Can you believe it?! I mean: how irresponsible do you have to be in order to lose your only Invisibility Cloak days before your cousin’s big day?! Hari said he must have misplaced the cloak while rehearsing his performance at Gigi’s wedding the following week.

Due to the pandemic, the shops at Diagon Alley had taken an unscheduled vacation. We couldn’t order a new one from Alibaba either per the ban on import of non-essential items from China. I checked WizKart but they couldn’t have delivered the cloak in time for the event.

However, just as every cloud has a silver lining, there is an opportunity hidden inside every obstacle. In order to maintain social isolation, Gigi’s father decided to conduct the ceremony remotely -Exactly the break I needed!

I was fairly confident that such a cloak could be created on-screen using OpenCV and any solid-colored blanket. So, I set out to build a fake invisibility cloak for our graceless protagonist!

#invisible-cloak #python #harry-potter #opencv-python

Building Hari Puttar’s missing invisibility cloak with OpenCV
1.05 GEEK