TL;DR How to prepare for CKA certification exam.

Just passed the CKA — Kubernetes Certified Administrator certification exam in January 2020 with the new format and I’ll share my preparation with you. Follow this recipe and you will be ready to get your hands on CKA too!

Study material & strategy

  1. Get this course and go over all the videos at least once.

There are a lot of details so maybe you want to keep notes. If you don’t feel like taking notes, check my curated CKA Cheatsheet and study notes.

Complete successfully all the practice tests along with the mock exams at least 3 times.

  1. While doing the practice tests try to use only the official documentation to simulate the real exam. In the examination, you’re only allowed to have one other browser tab open with the Kubernetes documentation. These pages only:

That means for example you can’t access Pay attention to that and try to complete the practice tests and exams only with the allowed resources.

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How to pass CKA — Kubernetes Certified Administrator
1.60 GEEK