In this video we will make this complete responsive minimal personal portfolio website. We will use mainly Html and Css and just a few lines of JavaScript for the Hamburger Menu Icon and Sticky Navigation Bar.

Script To Include For Animation:

  wow = new WOW({
    boxClass: "wow", 
    animateClass: "animated", 
    offset: 0, 
    mobile: true, 
    live: true, 

All Sections:
0:00 Intro
2:50 Files Images Links
3:35 Section One Navbar
12:34 Section Two Main header Content
18:10 Section Three About
23:00 Section Four Skills
26:40 Section Five Works
30:09 Section Six Contact
34:47 Section Seven Footer
36:30 Final Words

Animate CSS Library CDN Link:

Wow Js Library CDN Link:

Font-family for body text:

Font-family For Headers:

Subscribe :

#html #css #javascript

Complete Responsive Minimal Personal Portfolio Website Using Html Css And Javascript
5.60 GEEK