In this article, we will walk through six of the most common JavaScript test automation anti-patterns within the field so new shops can actively avoid them.

Test automation is beginning to explode in popularity as more and more companies seek to provide programmatic solutions to manual testing.

In terms of US dollars, the field of test automation is projected to skyrocket from $12.6 billion in 2019 to $28.8 billion by the year 2024.¹ That is an increase of more than 100% within five years. This astronomical amount of growth will lead to a wide amount of opportunity.

Unfortunately, new opportunity can also see an increase in bad testing practices.

  • Waiting…
  • Taking UI Testing too Literally
  • Testing Independent of CI
  • Behaviorally Driven Overhead
  • Conditions
  • Choosing the Wrong Selectors

#javascript #testing #programming

6 JavaScript UI Testing Anti-Patterns You Need to Avoid
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