HTML has been used as a standard mark-up language for documents accessible on the internet through browser data. HTML consists of a series of short elements, tags, and codes, which, when compiled together in a structured format, create a web page that anyone can view with proper internet access.

It has changed the way people work. HTML and CSS are used to create and manipulate elements on a web page along with javascript, HTML let’s creators define different roles for each element giving full customization liberty in the creation process.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, and is used to design web pages that are displayed on websites. 

There are three main aspects that, when put together, help build a webpage.

  •       HTML structure—supports the structural elements
  •       CSS style—helps design and gives a style to those structural elements
  •       JS interaction—enables the interaction between those elements

 In HTML structure, the elements and tags are paired up against each other for marking the content.

Every page available on the internet includes HTML tags. These tags help display content online with a clear and open perspective, which can always be moderated and altered. In order to explain things more simplistically, let us describe how elements and tags are used in the program.

The opening and closing elements change, but the tags remain the same. The tags are inserted before and at the end of the sentences, enabling them to be formatted on the page. An ideal webpage consists of three main and essential sections:

  •         Title
  •         Head
  •         Body

The Head element is used to highlight the start/heading of the head section. The head section always helps as a description about the page. The content within the head tags, i.e., the heading, is what is used as a source for identifying the content of the page.

Structure of HTML Document: Learn The Basic Structure of HTML
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