Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners - Kotlin Data Types

The most fundamental data type in Kotlin is Primitive data type and all others are reference types like array and string. Java needs to use wrappers (java.lang.Integer) for primitive data types to behave like objects but Kotlin already has all data types as objects.

There are different data types in Kotlin

  1. Integer Data type
  2. Floating-point Data Type
  3. Boolean Data Type
  4. Character Data Type

Integer Data Type:

These data types contain the contain integer values.
Kotlin Data Types

Let’s write a program to represent all the integer data types and their min and max value.

// Kotlin code 
fun main(args : Array<String>) { 
	var myint = 35
	//add suffix L for long integer 
	var mylong = 23L 
	println("My integer ${myint}") 
	println("My long integer ${mylong}") 

	var b1: Byte = Byte.MIN_VALUE 
	var b2: Byte = Byte.MAX_VALUE 
	println("Smallest byte value: " +b1) 
	println("Largest byte value: " +b2) 

	var S1: Short = Short.MIN_VALUE 
	var S2: Short = Short.MAX_VALUE 
	println("Smallest short value: " +S1) 
	println("Largest short value: " +S2) 

	var I1: Int = Int.MIN_VALUE 
	var I2: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE 
	println("Smallest integer value: " +I1) 
	println("Largest integer value: " +I2) 

	var L1: Long = Long.MIN_VALUE 
	var L2: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE 
	println("Smallest long integer value: " +L1) 
	println("Largest long integer value: " +L2) 


My integer 35
My long integer 23
Smallest byte value: -128
Largest byte value: 127
Smallest short value: -32768
Largest short value: 32767
Smallest integer value: -2147483648
Largest integer value: 2147483647
Smallest long integer value: -9223372036854775808
Largest long integer value: 9223372036854775807

Floating-Point Data Type:

These data type used to store decimal value or fractional part.
Kotlin Data Types

Let’s write a program to represent both the floating-point data type and their min and max value.

// Kotlin code 
fun main(args : Array<String>) { 
	var myfloat = 54F				 // add suffix F for float 
	println("My float value ${myfloat}") 

	var F1: Float = Float.MIN_VALUE 
	var F2: Float = Float.MAX_VALUE 
	println("Smallest Float value: " +F1) 
	println("Largest Float value: " + F2) 

	var D1: Double = Double.MIN_VALUE 
	var D2: Double = Double.MAX_VALUE 
	println("Smallest Double value: " + D1) 
	println("Largest Double value: " + D2) 


My float value 54.0
Smallest Float value: 1.4E-45
Largest Float value: 3.4028235E38
Smallest Double value: 4.9E-324
Largest Double value: 1.7976931348623157E308

Boolean Data Type:

Boolean data type represents only one bit of information either true or false. The Boolean type in Kotlin is the same as in Java. These operations disjunction (||) or conjunction (&&) can be performed on boolean types.
Kotlin Data Types

Let’s write a program to represent the boolean data types.

// Kotlin code 
fun main(args : Array<String>){ 
if (true is Boolean){ 
		print("Yes,true is a boolean value") 


Yes, true is a boolean value

Character Data Type:

Character data type represents the small letters(a-z), Capital letters(A-Z), digits(0-9) and other symbols.
Kotlin Data Types

Let’s write a program to represent character data type.

// Kotlin code 
fun main(args : Array<String>){ 
	var alphabet: Char = 'C'
	println("C is a character : ${alphabet is Char}") 


C is a character : true

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Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners - Kotlin Data Types
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