Putty is an opensource terminal emulator that supports several network protocols like TelnetSSHRloginSCP, and Raw Socket.

The initial version of putty is dated back to January 8, 1999, and designed for Windows Operating system but now it is supporting other operating systems like macOS and Linux too. But I have never seen people using Putty in Linux or macOS because it ships with beautiful Terminal.

There are many more alternatives available but each has its pros and cons. You can play with different options and let us know which serves the best.

Putty Alternatives
  1. MobaXTerm
  2. Kitt
  3. Solar-PuTTY
  4. mRemoteNG
  5. Termius
  6. Xshell6
  7. ZOC
  8. Supper Putty

Since the sole of the article is to discuss putty lets jump into it right away. The context of this article is created under Windows 10 environment.

#terminals #windows #linux terminal emulators #putty #linux

Useful PuTTY Configuration Tips and Tricks
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