How do I install and set up WireGuard VPN server on an Alpine Linux cloud server? How can I configure Alpine Linux as the WireGuard VPN server? How can I configure snat to route all VPN traffic on my Alpine Linux?

WireGuard is a free, open-source advanced, and high-speed VPN with state-of-the-art cryptography. It is quicker and simpler as compared to IPSec and OpenVPN implementations. It was initially released for the Linux kernel, but it is getting cross-platform support for other operating systems. This page explains how to install and set up WireGuard VPN on the Alpine Linux cloud server.

Procedure: Alpine Linux set up WireGuard VPN server

Our sample setup includes a simple peer connection between a cloud server running Alpine Linux server, and a CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian Linux desktop client. You can use iOS/Android mobile clients too. The steps are as follows for installing and configuring WireGuard on Alpine Linux as a VPN server.

How to Set Up WireGuard VPN on Alpine Linux

Please note that [root@alpine-linux ~]# OR {vivek@client:~ }$ is my shell prompt and is not part of actual commands. In other words, you need to copy and paste command after my shell prompt.


Alpine Linux set up WireGuard VPN server
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