Let’s learn how to implement queue data structure using JavaScript

The Queue data structure is a linear data structure that allows you to store a collection of data inside it in a similar fashion to a real-world queue.

Whenever you’re going to a bank or buying a Starbucks coffee, you’re most likely going to form a line with other people and wait until it’s your turn to be served. A queue always implements the FIFO (First-In-First-Out) system. Those who came in earliest will be served first.

Waiting in line illustration. Source: freepik.com
Waiting in line illustration. Source: freepik.com

The process of adding a new customer to the line is called enqueue, while a customer that has been served by the store and removed from the line is called the dequeue process.

The Queue data structure mimics this real-world practice of waiting in line and serving the earliest customer first by creating an abstract rule that you need to implement to the data structure. The rules are as follows:

  • The data structure has 2 pointers: the head and the tail
  • The earliest element will be located on the head
  • The latest element will be located on the tail
  • A new element can be inserted into the structure using enqueue() method
  • The dequeue() method will remove the element on the head, moving the head to the next element in line


How to Implement Queue Data Structure using JavaScript
4.00 GEEK