It is so much more than a buzzword, it is a way of life, it is what makes you look within. And Yes, the buzz about meditation is true. Although it’s a trending topic these days, meditation is an ancient practice only now becoming widely popular everywhere. It has been proven to relieve stress, reduce blood pressure, enhance our concentration, make us feel calm, joyful, and uplifted. But these are just the byproducts of true meditation; there is much more to meditation than meets the eye.

Benefits of Meditation for the Body
By alleviating stress, meditation can improve your physical health. One of the physical benefits includes reducing the risk of stress-related illnesses.
Medical researchers and doctors have reported the effects that stress has on the body. A number of illnesses are the result of stress. For this reason, medical practitioners recommend meditation to their patients to reduce stress levels. This includes meditating to decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. They recommend meditation to enhance the body’s immune response. Hospitals and medical clinics even offer classes in meditation to patients.

Science of Spirituality
Science of Spirituality is a worldwide, non-profit organization dedicated to transforming lives through meditation.
Science of Spirituality presents spirituality as a science that can be practiced by people of all backgrounds and from all walks of life.

More About the Author Sant Rajinder Singh ji Maharaj

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Meditation - is it just a buzzword?
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