Over the decades, many different programming languages were introduced. Some become permanent fixtures with the developer community, while others faded unnoticed. One that falls in the former category is Golang.

Golang has captured developers’ attention since its inception. Today, it is widely used by many companies to power their backend services. If you’re asking_ why you should use Golang__, you’ll find the answers in this article._

What Is Golang?

Golang was developed by Google in 2009. It is an open-source programming language based on C but enhanced with memory management, strict typing, garbage collection, and built to handle concurrency. It fixes problems that are notorious for C-programmers, where failure to release unused objects leads to memory leakage.

Codes in Golang are compiled directly to machine codes, offering the much-needed execution speed for back-end development. It was adopted by the likes of Uber, Twitter, and Dropbox despite being a relatively young programming language.

In 2020, Golang became the top language that professionals wanted to learn, according to a  survey by HackerEarth. It isn’t surprising given the advantages that Golang brings to the table.

Advantages of using Golang

Golang Is Fast

The fact that Golang compiles directly to machine code shouldn’t go unnoticed. Unlike languages like Java, Golang doesn’t need an interpreter for the applications to run. This translates into faster execution due to the absence of an intermediary process.

Various tests have been done to pit Golang with Java with consistent results. Golang always edges the latter in terms of execution speed. Not only do Golang programs run at top speed, but the compilation process is also a breeze.

It isn’t hard to see why developers adopted Golang, given the increasing demand for faster back-end applications.

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What Is so Great About Golang?
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