A Winwheels component for VueJs


A Vue Lucky Spin Component base on http://dougtesting.net/home

Published on https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-luckyspin


run one of the following commands to add this dependency to your project:

$ yarn add vue-luckyspin


$ npm i --save vue-luckyspin


First import the lucky spin component on your javascript section:

import LuckySpin from 'vue-luckyspin'

export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: { LuckySpin }

Then just call it on your HTML section:

  <div id="app">
    <p>Example Lucky Spin</p>
    <div class="lucky-demo">
      <LuckySpin />



Go to the demo folder and run:

$ yarn install

to install dependencies and then:

$ yarn serve

to run the Vue application.


Use the table below to see what props you can pass to the Component:

Props Type Value Default Value
segments Array Use the following object array model [{ text: string, winner: boolean }…]. The winner field is optional, use it as true if you want the spin to finish on this Segment. 6 Prize’s Array
fillWithemptyPrizes Boolean Inform it as true if you want to fill segments with no prize Segments. false
emptyPrizeText String Text that ll render if you enable the ‘fillWithemptyPrizes’ props. ‘No Prize’
textLimit Number maxLength for the text inside segments. 14
color1 Hex Hexadecimal color for the primary slot. #fadede
color2 Hex Hexadecimal color for the secondary slot. #000000
noPrize Boolean Force the WinWheel to stop in ‘noPrize’ Segment. false
allowMultipleSpins Boolean Flag that allows the user to spin the Wheel multiple times, set to false to spin it once. true
useSameColor Boolean Flag that set the same colors for all Segments. false

Download Details:

Author: R4kta

Demo: http://dougtesting.net/home

Source Code: https://github.com/R4kta/vue-luckyspin

#vuejs #vue #javascript #vue-js

A Winwheels component for VueJs
34.75 GEEK