In the 1st chapter of the book,Microservices Security in Action_, which I authored with _Nuwan Dias, we list out a set of key challenges in securing microservices, and then throughout the book see how we can methodically address them.

A monolithic application has few entry points. An entry point for an application is analogous to a door in a building. Just as a door lets you into a building (possibly after security screening), an application entry point lets your requests in.

Think about a web application running on the default HTTP port 80 on a server carrying the IP address Port 80 on server is an entry point to that web application. If the same web application accepts HTTPS requests on the same server on port 443, you have another entry point. When you have more entry points, you have more places to worry about securing. (You need to deploy more soldiers when you have a longer border to protect, for example, or to build a wall that closes all entry points.) The more entry points to an application, the broader the attack surface is.

A monolithic application typically has few entry points. Here, there are two: ports 80 and 443

Most monolithic applications have only a couple of entry points. Not every component of a monolithic application is exposed to the outside world and accepts requests directly.

In a typical Java EE web application such as the one in the above figure, all requests are scanned for security at the application level by a servlet filter.This security screening checks whether the current request is associated with a valid web session and, if not, challenges the requesting party to authenticate first.

Further access-control checks may validate that the requesting party has the necessary permissions to do what they intend to do. The servlet filter (the interceptor) carries out such checks centrally to make sure that only legitimate requests are dispatched to the corresponding components. Internal components need not worry about the legitimacy of the requests; they can rightly assume that if a request lands there, all the security checks have already been done.

In case those components need to know who the requesting party (or user) is or to find other information related to the user, such information can be retrieved from the web session, which is shared among all the components. The servlet filter injects the requesting-party information into the web session during the initial screening process, after completing authentication and authorization.

Multiple entry points (ports 80 and 443) are funneled to a single servlet filter. The filter acts as a centralized policy enforcement point.

Once a request is inside the application layer, you don’t need to worry about security when one component talks to another. When the Order Processing component talks to the Inventory component, for example, you don’t necessarily need to enforce any additional security checks (but, of course, you can if you need to enforce more granular access-control checks at the component level). These are in-process calls and in most cases are hard for a third party to intercept.

In most monolithic applications, security is enforced centrally, and individual components need not worry about carrying out additional checks unless there is a desperate requirement to do so. As a result, the security model of a monolithic application is much more straightforward than that of an application built around microservices architecture.

Mostly because of the inherent nature of microservices architecture, security is challenging. In this blog, we discuss the challenges of securing microservices without discussing in detail how to overcome them. In the book, we discuss multiple ways to address these challenges.

The Broader the Attack Surface, the Higher the Risk of Attack

In a monolithic application, communication among internal components happens within a single process — in a Java application, for example, within the same Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Under microservices architecture, those internal components are designed as separate, independent microservices, and those in-process calls among internal components become remote calls. Also, each microservice now independently accepts requests or has its own entry points.

As opposed to a monolithic application with few entry points, a microservices-based application has many entry points that all must be secured.

Instead of a couple of entry points, as in a monolithic application, now you have a large number of entry points. As the number of entry points to the system increases, the attack surface broadens too. This situation is one of the fundamental challenges in building a security design for microservices. Each entry point to each microservice must be protected with equal strength. The security of a system is no stronger than the strength of its weakest link.

Distributed Security Screening May Result in Poor Performance

Unlike in a monolithic application, each microservice in a microservices deployment has to carry out independent security screening. From the viewpoint of a monolithic application, in which the security screening is done once and the request is dispatched to the corresponding component, having multiple security screenings at the entry point of each microservice seems redundant. Also, while validating requests at each microservice, you may need to connect to a remote security token service (STS). These repetitive, distributed security checks and remote connections could contribute heavily to latency and considerably degrade the performance of the system.

Some do work around this by simply trusting the network and avoiding security checks at each and every microservice. Over time, trust-the-network has become an antipattern, and the industry is moving toward zero-trust networking principles. With zero-trust networking principles, you carry out security much closer to each resource in your network. Any microservices security design must take overall performance into consideration and must take precautions to address any drawbacks.


Challenges of Securing Microservices
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