Probably the most important part of a technical interview is the knowledge check for Algorithms and Data Structures. This is the must-have part of learning curve of a professional programmer in any language, especially for a Flutter.

The glory mission of Flutter is to write code for mobile devices. Mobile devices need a special attention to performance of its algorithms and effective memory usage. We don’t have the luxury of vertical scaling by upgrading server hardware for higher CPU and Memory here. Adding the superpower of effective algorithms, you literally can create faster and more stable code for Android and IOS. That’s why interviewers will stress-test your ability to do so.

Before any further reading, let’s do one check. Did you hear about leetcode? If yes, just continue the reading. If not, please spend some 10–15 minutes just walking around problems and community pages at this website. This is the reflection of industry trends in the whole process of interviewing and selection of a new programmer for a job or a remote project.

By the way, I’m going to explain some of most important leetcode problems in the upcoming parts of this topic.

Today we’ll try to understand the core principle or even law which we can use for estimation of the efficiency of any algorithm.

This knowledge, together with some Knowledge-Map of tricks and methods to improve the efficiency, is forming this “scary” part of IT.

Algorithms Matter

The first step to attack Algorithms and Data Structures is to accept understanding why they are so important.

Let’s consider a very simple Flutter app. This app has to count the sum of increasing sequence of integers like [1, 2, 3, 4, …].

We’ll use and also you can grab the initial project from FlutLab’s WidgetBay . If you didn’t used FlutLab before, this is an online Flutter IDE where you can register and build your apps for free. If you already have an account, go to the initial project on WidgetBay and click “Fork to FlutLab IDE”.

#algorithms #datastrucutre #dart #flutlab #flutter

Effective Algorithms for Dart and Flutter. Big O.
1.30 GEEK