A flutter Plugin Created to filter Data from List

FilterList is a flutter plugin which is designed to provide ease in filter data from list of strings.filter_list Plugin

Data flow

  • Pass list of strings to FilterList.showFilterList().
  • Pass list of selected strings to show pre-selected text otherwise ignore it.
  • Invoke method FilterList.showFilterList() to display filter dialog.
  • Make selection from list.
  • Click All button to select all text from list.
  • Click Reset button to make all text unselected.
  • Click Apply buton to return selected list of strings.
  • On close icon clicked it close dialog and return null value.
  • Without making any selection Apply button is pressed it will return empty list of string.

Getting Started

1 Add library to your pubspec.yaml

  filter_list: ^0.0.1

2. Import library in dart file

import package:filter_list/filter_list.dart';

3. How to use FilterList

Create a list of Strings

  List<String> countList = [
  List<String> selectedCountList = [];

Create a function and call FilterList.showFilterList() dialog on button clicked

  void _openFilterList() async {
    var list = await FilterList.showFilterList(
      allTextList: countList,
      height: 450,
      borderRadius: 20,
      headlineText: "Select Count",
      searchFieldHintText: "Search Here",
      selectedTextList: selectedCountList,

    if (list != null) {
      setState(() {
        selectedCountList = List.from(list);

Call _openFilterList function on floatingActionButton pressed

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text(widget.title),
        floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
          onPressed: _openFilterList,
          tooltip: 'Increment',
          child: Icon(Icons.add),
        /// check for empty or null value selctedCountList
        body: selectedCountList == null || selectedCountList.length == 0
            ? Center(
                child: Text('No text selected'),
            : ListView.separated(
                itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                  return ListTile(
                    title: Text(selectedCountList[index]),
                separatorBuilder: (context, index) => Divider(),
                itemCount: selectedCountList.length));


No selected text from list FilterList widget Make selection Selected text from list
Hidden close Icon Hidden text field Hidden header text Hidden full header
Customised control button Customised selected text Customised unselected text Customised text field background color

Parameters and Value

height Type: double

  • Set height of filter dialog.

width Type: double

  • Set width of filter dialog.

borderRadius Type: double

  • Set border radius of filter dialog.

allTextList Type: List String()

  • Populate filter dialog with text list.

selectedTextList Type: List String

  • Marked selected text in filter dialog.

headlineText Type: String

  • Set header text of filter dialog.

searchFieldHintText Type: String

  • Set hint text in search field.

hideSelectedTextCount Type: bool

  • Hide selected text count.

hideSearchField Type: bool

  • Hide search text field.

hidecloseIcon Type: bool

  • Hide close Icon.

hideheader Type: bool

  • Hide complete header section from filter dialog.

closeIconColor Type: Color

  • set color of close Icon.

headerTextColor Type: Color

  • Set color of header text.

applyButonTextColor Type: Color

  • Set text color of apply button.

applyButonTextBackgroundColor Type: Color

  • Set background color of apply button.

allResetButonColor Type: Color

  • Set text color of all and reset button.

selectedTextColor Type: Color

  • Set color of selected text in filter dialog.

selectedTextBackgroundColor Type: Color

  • Set background color of selected text field.

unselectedTextbackGroundColor Type: Color

  • Set background color of unselected text field.

unselectedTextColor Type: Color

  • Set text color of unselected text in filter dialog

searchFieldBackgroundColor Type: Color

  • Set background color of Search field.

backgroundColor Type: Color

  • Set background color of filter color.

Download Details:

Author: TheAlphamerc

GitHub: https://github.com/TheAlphamerc/flutter_plugin_filter_list

#flutter #dart #programming

A flutter Plugin Created to filter Data from List
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