In this Modern JavaScript video we are going to learn about the [ ES6, ES7, ES8 ] features. and this course is about 2 Hours Crash Course. ECMAScript is a scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International. It was created to standardize JavaScript to help foster multiple independent implementations. ES6 refers to version 6 of the ECMA Script programming language. It is a major enhancement to the JavaScript language, and adds many more features intended to make large-scale software development easier. in ES6 we have different features , especially in Object Oriented Programming.

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0 - Introduction = 00:00:04
1 - Let & Const(ES6) = 00:02:17
2 - Template Literals(ES6) = 00:08:54
3 - Rest Operator(ES6) = 00:12:41
4 - Spread Operator(ES6) = 00:15:31
5 - Default Parametrs(ES6) = 00:20:00
6 - For Of Loop(ES6) = 00:24:53
7 - Symbols(ES6) = 00:28:07
8 - Arrow Functions(ES6) = 00:31:32
9 - Multiline Arrow Function(ES6) = 00:37:40
10 - Default Param in Arrow Function = 00:41:14
11 - Object Destructuring(ES6) = 00:44:39
12 - Array Destructuring(ES6) = 00:48:29
13 - Sets And Maps(ES6) = 50:38
14 - Classes & Methods(ES6) = 01:00:28
15 - Static Function(ES6) = 01:06:15
16 - Getters & Setters(ES6) = 01:08:49
17 - Inheritance(ES6) = 01:11:15
18 - Exponentiation Oper(ES7) = 01:14:48
19 - Promises (ES6) = 01:16:05
20 - Includes() Function(ES7) = 01:35:29
21 - PadStart() & PadEnd() Function(ES8) = 01:37:46
22 - Object.Entries(ES8) = 01:40:45
23 - Object.Values(ES8) = 01:42:51
24 - Trailing Commas(ES8) = 01:44:19
25 - Asyn & Await (ES8) = 01:46:11

#javascript #modernjavascript #es6 #es5 #es7

Modern JavaScript [ ES6, ES7, ES8 ] Crash Course In 2 Hours
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