Hello guys! if you are preparing for Java and Spring interviews or Spring certification and looking for some frequently asked Spring MVC and REST interview questions then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared  best Spring MVC courses and  books and today, I am going to share top 22 Spring Interview Questions for Java developers applying for web developer roles…

Since the Spring Framework is the most popular and standard framework for developing Java web applications and RESTful web services, a good knowledge of  Spring core and  Spring MVC is expected from any senior Java developer.

But, if the job description mentions REST and web services, you also need to be aware of how to develop RESTful web services using the Spring Framework.

From  Spring 3.1, the framework has been enhanced a lot to support many features needed for the RESTFul API. The HTTPMessageConverter can convert your HTTP response to  JSON or  XML just by detecting a relevant library in the classpath, like  Jackson and  JAXB.

Spring also provides customized annotations for RESTful Web Services, like @RestController, which can make your Controller REST more aware, so that you don’t need to do common stuff required by every single REST API, like converting the response to JSON.

A deep knowledge of Spring Security is also mandatory for developing security for RESTful web services in the real world. Since you cannot make life a non-trivial REST API without security, a good knowledge of security basics,  HTTP basic authentication, digest authentication, OAuth and JWT is very important.

By the way if you are new to Spring MVC and Spring Framework in general, then I highly recommend you to join a good, comprehensive Spring course like this Spring 5: Beginner to Guru resource to learn the basics first. This will help you to answer this question better and also to do well on both Spring certification and interviews.

Top 22 Spring MVC + REST Web Service Interview Questions with Answers

Here are a couple of frequently asked questions about using REST web services in the Spring Framework.

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Top 20 Spring MVC + REST Interview Questions & Answers for Beginners and Experienced Developers
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