Django is the preferred framework for web development using the Python language. Its developer documentation is complete, with a large number of tools and components, you can quickly create a website, and the currently released version 3.1 fully supports asynchronous.

“Floating Cloud Ranch” photoed by Zosionlee

Create a Django project

Build a website in one second

Enter the following commands in the console to create a website framework

django-admin startproject django2

The directory structure is as follows

│      ## django manage
│  Pipfile
└─django2    ## project config        ## project urls        ## wsgi for debug

If you use tools such as pycharm or vscode to write code, you can configure the settings file mounted when Django starts. Visit When you see the small rocket, it means that Django is successfully started.

## let django know the settings

Image for post

#django #python #api #json-web-token

How to Build a simple REST API using Django
3.55 GEEK