I have always been into self development and learning new technologies. So, I asked my brain, why not use these interesting times of isolation to bump it up. Within a millisecond, my brain replied, “Hell Yeahhhhh”. That’s where all the action began!

I was invited to a small community group called “A Slice of Pi” looking for enthusiasts that wanted to push their understanding of Raspberry Pi through projects.

Via recommendation from the group, I ordered a Raspberry Pi Zero. A few hours later, I recalled that I already have an unused Raspberry Pi 3 that someone had lent me a while ago. A huge smile came on my face just because I didn’t have to wait for the new one to come in the post. The idea from the group was to setup a server at home “just because” is as a learning experience.

The idea from the group was to setup a server at home as a learning experience “just because”. (over zoom)

In the end, our architecture will look like this. This includes your website hosted on Raspberry Pi which is accessible via the public internet.

Let’s go on the mission together.

Get Equipped:

You will need the following:

  • Micro USB
  • Power cable
  • HDMI cable
  • Micro-SD card (32GB recommended)
  • Keyboard
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Monitor with HDMI input
  • Router connect to WiFi
  • Mouse
  • SD Card Adapter

Prepare the SD Card

Hope you have a SD card reader.

Insert the microSD card in the adapter and then in your laptop/PC and format it completely.

Now let us install the operating system(OS) for Raspberry Pi from here. Once done, burn it on your microSD card using any of your favourite tool(mine is BalenaEtche). If you don’t know how to burn, follow Burn OS image to microSD card section.

If you have an existing SD card with data that you don’t use, you can also format it by following the instructions below

Linux OS GUI:

  1. Insert your microSD card into a SD adapter

2. Right click on the SD card and click Properties

3. Click on Open Disk

4. Select the Partition you want to format.

5. Click the _Settings _icon(2 wheels)

6. Select Format Partition

7. Choose Erase

8. Choose For all devices using……

The time taken for formatting will vary on how much data you have. Meanwhile, grab a coffee.

#aws #linux #networking #raspberry-2

Turn Raspberry Pi into Server and Implement CI/CD Pipeline in AWS
20.05 GEEK