Okay, maybe there will be a slight cost involved, but it is practically free.

The Problem

Recently, I embarked on creating my own website (yes, overdue for a software developer) and immediately I was met with all these problems: coding stack, hosting, template; to name a few. My biggest issue seemed to be hosting as I didn’t wanna be overspending on hosting for a website which may not receive much traffic.

The Solution

Introducing Firebase Hosting.

Not only do you get free static website hosting, you are able to host a Node server practically for free.

This assumes that you have the Firebase CLI installed and that you have an account setup on Firebase, if not, you can follow this to create a profile and this to get the CLI setup.

Creating the Project

_If you don’t wish to go through the process of creating a project and setting up Firebase, you can pull a template from my GitHub repo here: _https://github.com/DarrynJ/nodejs-firebase-backend

Okay, once you’ve got the Firebase CLI up and running, navigate to your project folder and open your terminal.

Time for the fun stuff!

You want to firstly initialise Firebase Hosting using the following command:

firebase init hosting

#programming #typescript #nodejs #firebase

Host A Node Server on Firebase for Free
1.90 GEEK