Fast MOT is a multiple object tracker that implements:
Deep learning models are usually the bottleneck in Deep SORT, which makes Deep SORT unscalable for real-time applications. This repo significantly speeds up the entire system to run in real-time even on Jetson. It also provides enough flexibility to customize the speed-accuracy tradeoff without a lightweight model.
To achieve faster processing, the tracker only runs detector and feature extractor every N frames. Optical flow is then used to fill in the gaps. I swapped the feature extractor in Deep SORT for a better ReID model, OSNet. I also added a feature to re-identify targets that moved out of frame so that the tracker can keep the same IDs. I trained YOLOv4 on CrowdHuman while SSD’s are pretrained COCO models from TensorFlow.
Both detector and feature extractor use the TensorRT backend and perform asynchronous inference. In addition, most algorithms, including Kalman filter, optical flow, and data association, are optimized using Numba.
#machine learning #yolo