Well, I know many Data enthusiasts want to know what exactly we do as a Data Scientist. Especially during this pandemic situation; “What did you do at home?”, “Is it productive?” “Data Scientist is remote working, right?”. This is the typical question I see.

Here, I am going to share my own experience as a Data Scientist who is still experiencing working at home.

Working Equipment

For starter, we data scientists always need data access to work properly. It means whatever working condition we are in; the foremost thing is to make sure that we could access the data (either in the database or just a file).

I am serious about the data access working equipment because our work would always surround the data. Sure, there is the time when the work is about creating a nice presentation or dashboard, but even then, that kind of work still needs data support.

In my experience, to have access to the database, I need to have reliable equipment first from my company as data is a sensitive matter. For example, Laptop, VPN Access, Internet access, etc. This could take a long time if the queue is long or we live in another city/country than our company (just like I do).

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Daily Life as a Data Scientist: Work From Home Edition
1.15 GEEK