When you set out to be a Java programmer, there are ample amount of opportunities. On average, a Java programmer earns around $69,722 per month, which is a handsome payout. Learn more about Java developer salary in India. If you plan to have a sound career in Java programming, then modularity is something you should learn first. It is one of the vital parts of modern software programming. So, let’s first understand what a module is?

What is Modularity in Java?

A module is more like an independent partition of software that is communicated through an interface. Modularity explores the creation of a program by using different modules than a single legacy architecture. It is more like microservices in an MVC architecture, where the entire system is a suite of independent services.

With modularity, the partitioning of the software environment in different modules makes the entire process more optimized and reduces the coupling effect. It helps Java developers to perform functionality testing on the go while the development process is ongoing simultaneously.

Modularity in Java makes sure that the development time is reduced with testing and debugging on the fly.

Now that we know about modularity let’s understand why you need it?

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Modularity in Java Explained With Step by Step Example [2021]
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