If you’re building an application, you likely want a lot of users on your platform. However, you don’t just want a large number of users, you want real and high-quality users who will interact with your app. You want to verify those users.

It’s common for bots or users with fake email addresses and no intention of seriously using your application to register. One way to deal with this at the start is by making sure to verify users.

This article is a tutorial on user verification in ExpressJS and a continuation of my Express web development series. I will be building on top of the concepts discussed in my previous article on handling password resets.

The setup and required packages are specified in that article but you will be able to see what packages are used in the code examples.

I’d suggest taking a look at the other articles in the series first, although you should be able to follow along with this one regardless. Check out the project on GitHub if you’d like to track it as the series progresses.

#expressjs #javascript #web-development #express #node

How to Verify Users in Express.js
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