Typescript Functions | Basics Tutorial for Beginners

In this Typescript Functions |  Basics Tutorial for Beginners you will learn about TS Functions, parameters and return types along with optional params, default param values, type guards, type aliases and more.

(00:00) Intro
(00:05) Welcome
(00:17) Type Aliases
(03:11) Literal Types
(06:07) Basic Functions
(07:29) Functions with no return value
(10:40) The function keyword
(11:58) Function Type Aliases
(14:06) Function Interface
(15:28) Optional Parameters
(18:10) Default Parameters
(21:39) Function with Rest Params
(25:21) The never type
(27:54) Using the never type
(30:25) Custom Type Guard

🔗 All Resources for this Typescript Course: https://github.com/gitdagray/typescript-course 

📚 Tutorial References:
🔗 Typescript Official Website: https://www.typescriptlang.org/ 
🔗 Stackoverflow Survey Results: https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2022/#technology-most-popular-technologies 
🔗 MDN - Static Typing: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Static_typing 
🔗 MDN - Dynamic Typing: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Dynamic_typing 
🔗 MDN - Type Coercion: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Type_coercion 

âš™ Web Dev Tools:
🔗 Chrome Browser: https://www.google.com/chrome/ 
🔗 Visual Studio Code (VS Code): https://code.visualstudio.com/ 
🔗 Node.js & npm: https://nodejs.org/ 
🔗 Live Server VS Code Extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ritwickdey.LiveServer 


Typescript Tutorial for Beginners: Functions
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