n this modern world, data is very important and by the 2020 year, 1.7 megaBytes data generated per second. So there are many technologies that change the world by this large amount of data. Machine learning is one of them and we are using this technology to detect fake news.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is an application of AI which provides the ability to system to learn things without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning works on data and it will learn through some data. Machine learning is very different from the traditional approach. In, Machine learning we fed the data, and the machine generates the algorithm. Machine learning has three types of learning

  1. Supervised learning
  2. Unsupervised learning
  3. Reinforcement learning

Supervised learning means we trained our model with labeled examples so the machine first learns from those examples and then performs the task on unseen data. In this fake news detection project, we are using Supervised learning.

Check out more here

What is Fake news?

Fake news simple meaning is to incorporate information that leads people to the wrong path. Nowadays fake news spreading like water and people share this information without verifying it. This is often done to further or impose certain ideas and is often achieved with political agendas.

For media outlets, the ability to attract viewers to their websites is necessary to generate online advertising revenue. So it is necessary to detect fake news.

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Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning
2.40 GEEK