Copy… Paste… Copy… Paste… Lost minutes, or even hours spent on comparing offers online. We have all been there, right? I thought to myself if there was only some tool to compare the price from another website… and here I am, a few days later with a brand new chrome extension!

I would like to describe my experience from this project, how I feel about it, and if I would create another one. Hopefully, after this article, you will have a good picture of what could be accomplished with chrome extensions.

Very Short Introduction

Chrome extension is a small program providing additional features to your browser. It is made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The most important step for building a chrome extension is to create manifest.json which contains all information about your project, like for example name, description, files, and permissions. Extensions are capable of manipulating DOM, sending requests, gathering data, searching the internet, and many many more. It is incredible how useful a good extension can be. Just take look at the most popular examples like Adblock PlusHoney, or Grammarly.

#productivity #education #programming #technology #javascript

How to automate boring stuff with chrome extensions
1.20 GEEK