Authorization and Authentication in your apps plays an important role and we’re very well aware of the fact in day-to-day acitivities. Motsly every app that we install needs you to authenticate yourself before you could use it and same goes for authorization. In Flutter we have been doing this using Firebase

What’s AWS Amplify ?

AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services that enables mobile and front-end web developers to build secure, scalable full stack applications, powered by AWS. With Amplify, it’s easy to create custom onboarding flows, develop voice-enabled experiences, build AI-powered real-time feeds, launch targeted campaigns, and more. No matter the use case, AWS Amplify helps you develop and release great apps your customers will love. AWS Amplify includes an open-source framework with use-case centric libraries and a powerful toolchain to create and add cloud-based features to your app, and a web hosting service to deploy static web applications.


npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli@flutter-preview
  • You need to sign up for an AWS account if you don’t already have it.

#aws #google #flutter #app-development

Auth using AWS Amplify in Flutter
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