This is an exciting year for Spread.NET! We are working on many new feature enhancements and are excited to share our plans for 2021. We are adding several new customer-requested enhancements and major new features in the upcoming releases. Here are highlights of these new features.

May 2021 Service Release

This release in early May 2021 includes new customer-requested features for tracking changes in cells. Powerful new APIs in IWorkbook enables developers to easily capture all cell changes across the entire workbook in one event handler and customize how Calculation-On-Demand operates to recalculate the cells.

We are also adding customer-requested enhancements for tracing formula references across worksheets in WinForms spreadsheets. New properties in IRange returns all dependent and precedent cells, including cross-worksheet references. Formula auditing code processes all related cells across the entire workbook and traces all dependents and precedents.

We are also adding two new calculation functions, VALUETOTEXT and ARRAYTOTEXT, which are much more useful than the TEXTJOIN for cases involving cells with a Cell Data Typeobject applied. For more details about this enhancement, please see this blog.

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Spread.NET Roadmap 2021
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