Nikolas Burk, developer relations at Prisma — the database ORM — recently announced that all Prisma tools (Prisma Client, Prisma Studio, Prisma Migrate) are ready for production usage. Prisma Migrate graduated from preview this year and is now generally available.

Burk summarized the rationale behind the Prisma suite of tools as follows:

At Prisma, we found that the Node.js ecosystem — while becoming increasingly popular to build database-backed applications — does not provide modern tools for application developers to deal with these tasks [—data modeling, schema migrations, and writing database queries].

Application developers should care about data — not SQL.

As tools become more specialized, application developers should be able to focus on implementing value-adding features for their organizations instead of spending time plumbing together the layers of their application by writing glue code.


Prisma ORM Tool Suite Is Ready For Production in Node.js and TypeScript Apps
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