JSON and XML are considered as one of the most significant ways to transfer data over the web. Both of the forms are widely used all over the globe, and appreciated by a massive number of developers. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a human-readable data interchange language that is used to send data over the web. On the other hand, XML stand for Extensible Markup Language, which has the same purpose; to transfer data over the web.

Although the purpose of both formats is the same, there are still many differences among them. JSON is apparently a modern language compared to XML, and many people use it as an alternative of XML. The biggest reason behind this is that JSON has simple and less grammar. But, there are still many reasons that XML is always the choice of many web professionals. In this article, we are going to discuss the best way to convert your JSON code into XML online. But, before that, let’s find out some of the main advantages of XML language.

Main reasons for using XML

There are many reasons behind using XML language to transfer data over the web, whether it is simple syntax, or clear overall setup, this language is super easy to use.

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Convert a JSON object to XML format online
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