This doesn’t just apply to Spotify. Pinterest, Waze, and a host of other apps started crashing on boot this week.

In this article, we will look at why, and the type of code that caused this.

The Cause

Facebook acknowledged that a code change in [FBSDKEventDeactivationManager updateDeactivatedEvents] on Friday, July 10 caused a spike in crashes using the iOS SDK

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They’re sorry, so this seems like case closed. Surely though, developers need to think about why this happened, so they can choose whether to use something like Facebook SDK in the future.

Why Would Spotify Use a Facebook SDK?

To most people, it felt like Spotify had done a stupid, and certainly, there is no consumer-facing link to Facebook, but then when you open Spotify you see:

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How Facebook Broke Spotify: An IOS Developer’s Explanation
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