It’s not complicated to contribute to open-source projects on GitHub. This post will walk you through the steps to contribute to your first open-source project in just five minutes. We will use the GitHub repository of Nebula Graph, an open-source distributed graph database, for illustration purpose.

If you don’t have a  GitHub account, or aren’t sure what  Git is, please refer to the official website first.

In general, there are nine steps to contribute to an open-source project:

Fork the repo to your GitHub account

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine
  2. Define a pre-commit hook
  3. Create a branch
  4. Check the code and documentation style
  5. Develop
  6. Push changes to the GitHub repo
  7. Create a pull request
  8. Get a code review

Below is a step by step illustration in detail.

How to Be a GitHub Contributor

Fork the Repo

Fork the Nebula Graph repo by clicking on the fork button on the top of the main page. This will create a copy of this repository in your account.

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Become an Open-Source Project Contributor on Github in 4 Minutes
1.45 GEEK