What is AntiMatter Finance (MATTER) | What is AntiMatter token | What is MATTER token

Antimatter is an innovative lightweight on-chain and cross-chain DeFi perpetual options protocol based on a polarized token mechanism.

The Uniswap for Options and Derivatives

The current DeFi derivative platforms are more complex than centralized exchanges. There are currently no DeFi platforms where non-experienced users can execute their long and short strategies thus hindering mass adoption and retail use.

To build financial products for mass adoption, Antimatter will aim for simplicity and normalization as the main priority for every product released. The initial Antimatter product will be an ETH perpetual put option product where anyone can short and long at any given time with secondary market opportunities (market-making and arbitrage).

Introducing polarized tokens

Antimatter is introducing the concept of Polarized Tokens. An option product will always consist of two forces: positive (call) and negative (put). By trading these products, users can get exposure to the option and thus either a call or a put.

The two forces will always balance each other out making a sum of the two equal a constant C.

Taking ETH as an example:

We have two tokens, one representing [+ETH] and the other representing [-ETH] then the sum of [+ETH] and [-ETH] will always equal the constant C. This constant is maintained by the mechanism transforming ETH into [+ETH] and [-ETH] and burning [+ETH] and [-ETH] into ETH.

First ANTIMATTER law: Value (+PRODUCT) +Value(-PRODUCT) =C

To explain this mechanism further we will use our first product put ETH($4000) as an example

By depositing a C amount of collateral into the ETH($4000) product the user gets a pair of tokens [+ETH] and [-ETH]. Deposits of multiple C will generate multiple pairs of tokens. The amount of [+ETH] will always equal the amount of [-ETH] in the market. Conversely, to exit the ETH($4000) product, anyone can use a pair of [+ETH] and [-ETH] to redeem C amount of USDT at any given time.

Traders can speculate and get long or short exposure on ETH by trading [+ETH] and [-ETH]. The [+ETH] value will equal the market price of ETH thus holders of [+ETH] will be rewarded funding fees generated from [-ETH] holders and additional fees for helping maintain equilibrium.

Antimatter products will introduce arbitrage opportunities which will uphold the first Antimatter law.

There are two types of arbitrage opportunities. In case [+ETH] and [-ETH] values exceed the constant C value, there arises an arbitrage opportunity for users to deposit C to generate pairs of [+ETH] and [-ETH] and sell for more value than C. In contrast, if the addition of the value of [+ETH] and [-ETH] is less than the constant C value, then there arises an arbitrage opportunity for users to purchase [+ETH] and [-ETH] and redeem for C.

Introducing Antimatter Finance Governance Token (MATTER)

The MATTER token serves as a tool to facilitate platform governance and boost platform utility. A more detailed token economic design will be released before product launch on the 1st of April.

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Total amount raised: $750,000

Initial market-cap on launch: $225,000

Initial circulating supply (excluding liquidity): 6.9%

Seed Round: $150,000 raised from 3 venture capital firms.

Private Round: **$550,000 **to be raised from strategic individuals.

Public Round: $50,000 to be raised. More information on Public Round coming soon.

**Max Supply: **100,000,000 MATTER

MATTER token address: To be announced. Don’t fall for fake tokens listed on Uniswap or other exchanges.

MATTER token mechanics

The MATTER token serves as a tool to facilitate platform governance and boost platform utility. MATTER will be used for:

  • Option creation and redemption: Antimatter will introduce two main types of options: perpetual put options and perpetual call options. The creation and redemption of pairs of tokenized options require a certain amount of fees in form of MATTER.
  • Transaction fees and funding fees: Holders of long put option tokens and long call option tokens will pay funding fees to holders of short put option tokens and short call option. The funding fee will be paid automatically through a token deflation mechanism. Part of the fees will be captured by MATTER tokens.
  • Governance: MATTER tokens will be used to propose and vote for new proposals. Governance will hold power over option mechanisms, token economics, token metrics, and more.
  • OptionSwap platform tokens: After building on-chain options, AntiMatter will build a swap platform for tokenized options — in simple terms Uniswap for tokenized options. The MATTER tokens will serve as the platform token for OptionSwap.

More utility will be added along the road. Token economics is a dynamic subject that evolves with the project development and product usage.

50% of MATTER total supply is allocated for platform liquidity and incentives.

AntiMatter is introducing a series of DeFi mechanism into the ecosystem:

  • Strategy One: Staking of MATTER tokens to get MATTER staking rewards.
  • Strategy Two: Liquidity mining by LP for the MATTER token pair.
  • Strategy Three: Governance pariticpation rewards.
  • Strategy Four: Mining rewards for options trading, option creation, and option redemption.

The inflationary schedule will be announced near product launch.

MATTER Token Distribution:

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Seed Round: 8.15% of total supply. 25% unlocked on TGE then 0.25% unlocked daily starting month 3 equalling 7.5% per month.

Private Round: 15.85% of total supply.25% unlocked on TGE then 0.5% unlocked daily starting month 3 equalling 15% per month.

Public Round: 1% of total supply. 100% unlocked on TGE.

Protocol Rewards: 50% of total supply. The inflationary schedule will be announced near product launch.

Team: 10% of total supply. 1 year cliff with 1 year vesting thereafter.

Foundation: 10% of total supply. 1 year cliff with 1 year vesting thereafter.

Liquidity: 5% of total supply. 100% unlocked on TGE and used as initial Uniswap and exchange liquidity. $200,000 total Uniswap liquidity will be provided on listing.

Token lock contracts will be deployed to ensure lock-up schedule.

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MATTER token infrastructure:

MATTER will be cross chain and use the following infrastructure:

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MATTER token metrics summary:

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Ticker: MATTER
Token type: ERC20
ICO Token Price: 1 MATTER = 0.05 USD
Fundraising Goal: 1,000,000 TOKEN
Total Tokens: 1,000,000,000


Introducing AntiMatter WeStarter IDO Whitelist 
Introducing AntiMatter Polkastarter IDO Whitelist 
Introducing AntiMatter Bounce Certified BSC IDO Whitelist

Looking for more information…

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What is AntiMatter Finance (MATTER) | What is AntiMatter token | What is MATTER token
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