Akshay Vashistha

Tech enthusiasts

Let’s start by understanding about few terminologies and some facts related to this article and come on common ground.

Hashing is the practice of taking a string or input key, a variable created for storing narrative data, and representing it with a hash value, which is typically determined by an algorithm and constitutes a much shorter string than the original.

Web caching is the activity of storing data for reuse, such as a copy of a web page served by a web server. It is cached or stored the first time a user visits the page and the next time a user requests the same page, a cache will serve the copy, which helps keep the origin server from getting overloaded.

Imagine visiting e-commerce, where the page is being requested over and over again, it’s wasteful to repeatedly download it from the server. An obvious idea is to use a Web cache, which stores a local copy of recently visited pages.

If there is a local copy already present there is no need to hit the server and the response will be faster from a local copy creating a win-win situation for all. Distributed System as said by Andrew Tanenbaum is

A collection of independent computers that appear to its users as one computer.

Distributed systems consist of multiple computers that operate concurrently, fail independently, and do not share a common clock. They must be synchronized to be consistent.

#hashing #data science

Does Consistent Hashing Help?
1.20 GEEK