Code  JS

In this tutorial, we will build a full-stack e-commerce application with features like: re-usable layout, authentication, cart page & checkout process, order confirmation, payment integration, different user roles, and a simple admin dashboard.

00:04:13 Next JS + Chakra UI Installation
00:07:01 Layout & Header
00:17:29 Footer
00:20:12 Add dummy product data
00:23:00 List Products
00:31:40 Creating Product links
00:34:50 Building Product Page
00:44:50 Implement Dark Mode: Theme Switch
00:47:10 Connecting to the Database: MongoDB
00:55:40 Creating Schema
00:58:50 Router & Middleware using Next-Connect
00:59:40 Seeding the Database
01:04:29 Create Products API
01:08:00 Fetch Products from API
02:00:40 Login & Sign Up Forms
02:19:30 Form Validation
02:26:00 Creating User Schema
03:17:00  Setting up Redux Store
03:28:10 Building Shipping Form
03:49:40 Building Stepper for Forms
04:13:00 Payment
04:51:50 Securing Pages and API Routes
04:56:00 Order Confirmation
05:31:00 Admin Dashboard

🌐Code & Assets:

package.json - 

data.js - 

Images - 

Source code - 


#react #nextjs #javascript 

Build a Modern Full Stack Ecommerce React Application with NextJS
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