Android : Show quick preview (live) before exporting FFmpeg Video

Basically I am developing a video editing app that lets user choose some of their images and create video slide show with music.

I am using FFMPEG to generate video slide show from images but the problem is I can only show preview of the video after executing FFMPEG command.

Is googled so many blogs and all and I know there is a possible way available to display preview of the output.

Check below image from reference app. I am developing something similar to this app. There is an option to replace the image in video. This app displays instant preview once I change the image.

Here is the link of the reference app if anyone wants to check:

Clicking an EXPORT button this app lets you generate video output. I can do that as I know FFMPEGand how to generate OUTPUT FILE using FFMPEG but what I don't know is how to display quick preview of OUTPUT VIDEO before generating actual VIDEO FILE.

On my UBUNTU device I can view output of FFMPEG command using FFPLAY tool but how to do the same on android device.

Some useful link:

#android #video

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