Technologies - Django Rest API + Vue js

Project test task of Synergy_Way

technologies - django rest API + Vue js

Technical task

Create a simple website with two pages: 1) List of Users 2) List of Groups for Users

Description of the first page: List of Users consist of: username, created, group, actions. username – User nickname created – Date of creating the user group - Group, to which the user will be added actions – two buttons ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’

Also, under the list there should be a button ‘Add User’ for editing and adding new pages with such fields: username (text input) and group(select) Please see example below

Description of the second page:

The list of groups should consist of: ID, Name, Description, Actions. Actions – Edit and Delete buttons Also, under the list there should be a button Add Group For editing and adding new pages with such fields: Name (text input) and Description (text input). Group deletion is impossible if the user is assigned to this group.

The images above are added for your overall understanding, do make the same is not necessary, the style is up to you.

To implement the test task, use Django for the backend and React for the frontend, the rest technologies are up to you. The results of your work please push to Bitbucket or GitHub and send us link with access to view and download. You have one week to perform this task. In case of any questions please let me know.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

At first clone a project

git clone https://
cd test_task_Synergy_Way

Create and activate virtual enviroment

pip install virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate


You need to install all packages from requirements.txt file

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start project

python runserver or runserver
App running at:

Installing Frontend

cd test_task_Synergy_Way/synergy_way
npm install
npm run serve
App running at:

Docker install

Docker and docker-compose must be installed

go by link
and copy repository -- docker pull idrummer83/synergy_way_vue

go by link
and copy repository -- docker pull idrummer83/test_task_synergy_way_web

then run:

docker-compose run test_task_synergy_way_web
docker-compose run synergy_way_vue

Built With


Download Details:

Author: idrummer83

Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript #django

Technologies - Django Rest API + Vue js
9.05 GEEK