At GitHub, our community is at the heart of everything we do. We want to make it easier to build the things you love, with the tools you prefer to use—which is why we’re committed to maintaining an open platform for developers. Launched in 2017 and now home to the world’s largest DevOps ecosystem,  GitHub Marketplace is the single destination for developers to find, sell, and share tools and solutions that help simplify and improve the process of building software.

Whether buying or selling, our goal is to provide the best Marketplace experience for developers as possible. Today, we’re announcing some changes worth celebrating ; changes to increase your revenue, simplify the application verification process, and make it easier for everyone to build with GitHub.

Supporting our Marketplace partners

In the spirit of helping developers both thrive and profit, we’re increasing developer’s take-home pay for apps sold in the marketplace from 75 to 95%. GitHub will only keep a 5% transaction fee. This change puts more revenue in the pockets of the developers, who are doing the work building tools that support the GitHub community.

Learn more

Simplifying app verification process on the Marketplace

We know our partners are excited to get on Marketplace, and we’ve made changes to make this as easy as possible. Previously, a deep review of app security and functionality was required before an app could be added to Marketplace. Moving forward, we’ll verify your organization’s identity and common-sense security precautions by:

  1. Validating your domain with a simple DNS TXT record
  2. Validating the email address on record
  3. Requiring two-factor authentication for your GitHub organization

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GitHub reduces Marketplace transaction fees, revamps Technology Partner Program
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