In the web development world and javascript world, we’ve seen a lot of paradigms come and go. But one paradigm has stuck around: the single-page web application. AngularJS is one of the most popular frameworks backed by Google, and it offers quick, easy development of rich, client-side applications by the use of declarative two-way data binding. AngularJS is used by popular companies like Amazon and Pluralsight.

Whereas, the Aurelia framework was released a couple months prior to Angular 2, and also serves as a great choice of SPA framework with a quickly growing audience. Aurelia, has become a popular choice for rich, client-side applications. Aurelia targets the same problem space as AngularJS. However, Aurelia uses a modern approach to ease development and solve a lot of the problems that plagued AngularJS.

So What’s the difference between Aurelia and Angular? Before starting comparison, let us see What is Angular and What is Aurelia?


Aurelia was backed by Durandal Inc and was licensed under the MIT license. It is an open-source framework and provides great rendering speed, very good memory efficiency, unidirectional data flow which is safer, higher standards of compliance, greater integration compatibility with different other platforms or frameworks. Deloitte, Chegg, dev and many such popular companies make use of Aurelia. Here are some of the features of Aurelia-

  • Broad Language Support
  • Two-Way Databinding
  • Routing & UI Composition
  • Testable
  • Angular-

AngularJS is a front-end web framework supported by Google. This framework makes use of HTML as your template language and allows you to extend HTML’s syntax to express app’s components more clearly. Amazon, snapchat, Tinder and many more popular brands uses Angular.js. Let us see features of Angular.

  • Templates
  • MVC Framework
  • Access to the POJO Model
  • Unit Testing Facilities

Aurelia vs Angular-

1. MV Approach-*
Aurelia follows the Model-View approach. There is no need to specify the particular controllers of view-models; the naming conventions will do that. For instance-
“AnyFile.html”: Any file loaded under router-view or called at the time of instantiating Aurelia App.
“AnyFile.js”: Controller of the Anyfile.html view-model. export class AnyFile { constructor() { } } When comparing with Angular, you will see the difference in watching MV* components. One of the big disadvantage of AngularJS is that it has a very sheer learning curve. You must know its internals, the complete digest cycle pretty well and have to know the effect on performance while using $watch expressions and filters. Whereas Aurelia is simple and has a smooth learning curve.

2. Language Support-
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