1MD Complete Probiotics just starting out in your yoga journey so that’s why i listened to your concerns i designed this 14 day program to help you ease into it and get more familiar with what yoga is about so to start off i’m and your heartbeat and then speaking of distractions just see if you can bring your thoughts back to your breath if you find yourself distracted just a couple more deep breaths here slowing it down cultivating again what we call the ujjayi breath nice deep diaphragmatic breath breathing in and out through the nose letting your exhales be audible and your exhales are a little bit longer than your inhale so if we take four or five seconds for the inhale see if you can take maybe five or six seconds for your exhale and then as you’re ready you can slowly rise up coming on to your hands and knees into our tabletop position and she’s insisting to use my mat to sleep on i know it’s comfortable all right we’re going to stack our wrists under our shoulders our fingers are nice and wide and our knees are stacked under the hips we’re just

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