A better resume = more interviews = higher chance of getting hired. These are my top 6 developer resume tips to help you write your resume properly, better communicate your experiences and improve your chances of getting hired (or at least getting to the interview step)!

The goal of your resume is to just get past the initial screening so that a recruiter or hiring manager is willing to give you a chance. Your resume needs to make it easy as possible for the recruiter to believe you’d be a good candidate. That doesn’t just mean having the most skills. Formatting matters. Length matters.

😲 The Truth: Once you get an actual interview, your resume matters for very little. Its only job is to get you in the door. Then you get the chance to prove yourself.

If you want a step-by-step walkthrough of creating a resume and you’re a member of ZTM already, take the Getting Your First Dev Job ZTM Workshop here: https://academy.zerotomastery.io/courses/enrolled/1253066

⏲ Timestamps:

  • 0:00 My Bad Resume = 0 Jobs vs. My Better Resume = Hired By Amazon
  • 1:16 Tip 1: Use A Standard Template & Formatting
  • 2:26 Tip 2: Utilizing Bulletpoints Effectively
  • 4:41 Tip 3: Sections Arrangement
  • 5:26 Tip 4: Keywords
  • 6:02 Tip 5: One Page Only!
  • 6:46 Tip 6: Dealing With The Catch 22 Of Getting “Experience” To Put On Your Resume

🎯 Tip 2 - Utilizing Bulletpoints Effectively

You should also consider using the C.A.R. (Context + Action + Result) framework. This framework is taught in many business schools because it helps the recruiter sees the specific impact you made rather than just listing generic bullets like everyone else.


📃 Tip 3: Sections Arrangement

How you arrange your resume will depend on your level. If it’s your first job, put more focus (and higher priority) on the technical projects you’ve completed rather than random summer job experience as a camp counsellor.

If you’re already working in the industry, put more focus on your work experience and the specific role and impact you had on specific projects you were a part of at your company.

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Get More Interviews! Use These Top 6 Tips To Improve Your Developer Resume
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