A customizable, easy-to-use, performant calendar component for React Native

React Native Easy Calendar

Customizable, easy-to-use, performant calendar components for React Native.

Customizable, easy-to-use, performant calendar components for React Native


The community’s been well-served by Wix’s react-native-calendars for years and this package aims to provide a leaner but equally capable alterative by:

  • splitting up calendar functionalities into thin wrapper components with leaner, more contextual APIs.
  • supporting a highly granular, shareable version of themes.
  • supporting locales through Dayjs, which offers 138 locales out of the box (at last count), but won’t include any of them in your bundle unless you use it.
  • making the calendars controlled components, which elimates the need for most onEvent() callbacks.
  • providing sane defaults and ONLY allowing component structure/behaviour to be altered by passing in custom components and NOT through behavior-altering props. This single-of-truth leads to less confusion and cleans up the API.
  • offering Typescript support out of the box.


Currently, we support only a single-date selection calendar. In the next couple of releases:

  • multi-date selection support
  • new period selection calendar
  • accessibility improvements
  • code coverage improvements
  • add E2E tests to CI pipeline


We’re compatible with RN 0.59+.

Try it out

To check out the package, run the example app by executing these steps:

$ git@github.com:aryella-lacerda/react-native-easy-calendar.git
$ cd react-native-easy-calendar
$ yarn bootstrap                  // install dependencies
$ yarn example start              // start Metro Bundler
$ yarn example [ios/android]      // install app


RN Easy Calendar has no dependencies and only one peer dependency. Dayjs has all the power of Momentjs’s API at only a tiny fraction of the size (2kb, compared to momentjs’s 69.6kb).

$ yarn add react-native-easy-calendar dayjs


Locale, themes, and custom components will be treated the same way in all the calendars. Each calendar might have slightly different props, however, in order to make them as contextual as possible.


The theme prop is optional. If you don’t pass the theme prop, the calendar will use the DefaultTheme. Both the Theme entity and the DefaultTheme object have been exported for your use.

import { DateSelectionCalendar, DefaultTheme, Theme } from 'react-native-easy-calendar';

const ThemedCalendar = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-02-01');

  return (

const CustomTheme: Theme = {
  extraDayText: {
    color: 'orange',


The locale prop is optional. If you don’t pass the locale prop, the calendar will use en-US as the default. RN Easy Calendar supports locales through Dayjs. All you have to do is import the correct file and pass it to the component.

import { DateSelectionCalendar } from 'react-native-easy-calendar'
import French from 'dayjs/locale/fr';

const LocaleExample = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-02-01');

  return (

Customizing Locales

What you import from Dayjs is just an object, which makes it very easy to customize. Override any of the keys in the object and pass the new, custom locale to the calendar.

import { DateSelectionCalendar } from 'react-native-easy-calendar'
import PortuguesBrasileiro from 'dayjs/locale/pt-br';

const CustomLocaleExample = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-02-01');

  return (

const CustomLocale = {
  weekdaysMin: 'D_S_T_Q_Q_S_S'.split('_'),


Remeber to use a React.useState’s setState callback directly as your onSelectDate prop, or wrap your callback in a React.useCallback() before passing it to your onSelectDate prop. This is the difference between rerendering ~30 day components on every render, and rerendering only the day components which suffer an alteration of state.

Optimized Calendar

Not Optimized Calendar

Image on the left is optimized. Image on the right is not.
// Option 1: GOOD
const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-02-01');

return (

// Option 2: GOOD
const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-02-01');
const doSomethingMoreComplicated = React.useCallback((date) => {
  // Some other logic here...
}, []);

return (

// Option 3: BAD
const setSelectedDate = () => setSelectedDate;

return (

// Option 4: BAD
return (
    onSelectDate={(date) => setSelectedDate(date)}

Custom Components

The calendar components’ structure or behavior can only be customized by overriding them.

Arrow Your custom arrows must have the following signature and will receive the following props.

export type ArrowComponentType = (props: ArrowProps) => JSX.Element;

export interface ArrowProps {
  direction: 'left' | 'right';
  isDisabled: boolean;
  onPress: () => void;

By default, the arrows will be disabled when you’ve reached the limits imposed by the minDate and maxDate props.

[IMPORTANT]: Remember to call the onPress callback!

import React from 'react';
import { Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import { DateSelectionCalendar, ArrowComponentType } from 'react-native-easy-calendar';

const CustomArrow: ArrowComponentType = React.memo(({ direction, isDisabled, onPress }) => (
  <TouchableOpacity onPress={onPress} disabled={isDisabled}>
    <Text>{`${direction === 'left' ? '<' : '>'}`}</Text>

const CustomComponents = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-07-05');

  return (

export default CustomComponents;


Your custom title must have the following signature and will receive the following props.

export type TitleComponentType = (props: TitleProps) => JSX.Element;

export enum VIEW {

export interface TitleProps {
  date: string;
  locale: Locale;
  onPress: (date: string) => void;
  isDisabled?: boolean;
  activeView: VIEW;

By default, the title will be disabled only when you’ve passed allowYearView={false}. The activeView will equal either VIEW.YEAR or VIEW.MONTH.

Title date will always be a start-of-month date. The date changes only when the month/year being viewed changes. So it always changes when one of the arrows are pressed, and when a new month is selected in year view. Merely toggling the calendar view DOES NOT cause a change to the date prop! For example:

  1. If you are viewing Sept 2020 in month view, then date is equal to September 01, 2020.
  2. If you then switch to year view, the date will still be September 01, 2020.
  3. If you press the right arrow, the date becomes September 01, 2021.

The Title component renders both in year view and in month view. By default, Title renders MMMM YYYY in month view and YYYY in year view.

[IMPORTANT]: Remember to call the onPress callback!

import React from 'react';
import { Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native-easy-calendar';

const CustomTitle: TitleComponentType = React.memo(
  ({ date, onPress, isDisabled, activeView, locale }) => {
    const _onPress = React.useCallback(() => onPress(date), [date, onPress]);
    const _date = dayjs(date).locale(locale);

    return (
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={_onPress} disabled={isDisabled}>
          {activeView === VIEW.MONTH
            ? `${_date.format('MMMM YYYY')}`
            : `${_date.format('YYYY')}`}

const CustomComponents = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-07-05');

  return (

export default CustomComponents;

Weekdays Your custom weekdays must have the following signature and will receive the following props.

export type WeekdaysComponentType = (props: WeekdaysProps) => JSX.Element;

export interface WeekdaysProps {
  days: string[];

The days prop is an array of strings resulting from a call to locale.weekdaysShort().

import React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native-easy-calendar';

const CustomWeekdays: WeekdaysComponentType = React.memo(({ days }) => (
  <View style={styles.weekdaysContainer}>
    {days.map((day, index) => (
      <Text key={index} style={styles.weekdayText}>

const CustomComponents = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-07-05');

  return (

export default CustomComponents;

The month component is the component that is rendered 12 times in VIEW.YEAR. Your custom months must have the following signature and will receive the following props.

export type MonthComponentType = (props: MonthProps) => JSX.Element;

export interface Props {
  date: string;
  locale: Locale;
  onPress: (date: string) => void;
  isSelected: boolean;
  isDisabled: boolean;

By default, a month will be disabled when you’ve reached the limits imposed by the minDate and maxDate props. A month will be selected when the selectedDate prop belongs to that month. Month date will always be a start-of-month date. In the case of September 2020, for example, the date is equal to September 01, 2020. In pretty much all cases, this knowledge is irrelevant because you’ll want to render only the month, not the date.

The Month component renders only in year view. By default, Month renders MMM format.

[IMPORTANT]: Remember to call the onPress callback!

import React from 'react';
import { Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native-easy-calendar';

const CustomMonth: MonthComponentType = React.memo(
  ({ date, onPress, isDisabled, locale }) => {
    const _onPress = React.useCallback(() => onPress(date), [date, onPress]);

    return (

const CustomComponents = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-07-05');

  return (

export default CustomComponents;


The day component is the component that is rendered 28 to 31 times in VIEW.MONTH. Your custom days must have the following signature and will receive the following props.

export type DayComponentType = (props: DayProps) => JSX.Element;

interface OtherProps {
  date: string;
  onPress: (date: string) => void;
  // Used in date selection calendar
  isSelected: boolean;
  // Used in both calendars
  isDisabled: boolean;
  isStartOfWeek: boolean;
  isEndOfWeek: boolean;
  isStartOfMonth: boolean;
  isEndOfMonth: boolean;
  isExtraDay: boolean;
  showExtraDates: boolean;

The date prop is null only when isExtraDay === true && showExtraDates === false. By default, the day is disabled when it is included in the disabledDates prop, when you’ve reached the limits imposed by the maxDate and minDate props, or when isExtraDay == true.

[IMPORTANT]: Remember to call the onPress callback!

import React from 'react';
import { Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import { DateSelectionCalendar, DayComponentType } from 'react-native-easy-calendar';

const CustomDay: DayComponentType = React.memo(({ date, onPress, isDisabled }) => {
  const _onPress = React.useCallback(() => onPress(date), [date, onPress]);

  return (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={_onPress} disabled={isDisabled} style={styles.dayContainer}>

const CustomComponents = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-07-05');

  return (

export default CustomComponents;


Date Selection Calendar

For now, this calendar supports only the selection of a single date. Multi-date selection upcoming.

import { DateSelectionCalendar, DefaultTheme } from 'react-native-easy-calendar'
import frenchLocale from 'dayjs/locale/fr';

const Example = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = React.useState('2020-02-01');

  return (
      {/* The following props are optional */}
      disabledDates={['2020-01-01', '2020-03-04']}
      initVisibleDate={'2020-02-10'} // defaults to selectedDate
      allowYearView={false}; // defaults to true
      showExtraDates={true}; // defaults to false
      locale={frenchLocale}; // defaults to en-US
      {/* The following props are required */}


Contributors welcome! See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

Download Details:

Author: aryella-lacerda

Source Code: https://github.com/aryella-lacerda/react-native-easy-calendar

#react-native #react #mobile-apps

A customizable, easy-to-use, performant calendar component for React Native
4.15 GEEK