This tutorial presents calling JavaScript API/functions in Blazor WebAssembly apps. In order to make the tutorial process easy to understand a 3-D pie chart example, JavaScript based, in the Google Chart Tools home page has been used as is.

  1. Import JavaScript based AJAX API and related JavaScript file in the Index.html page.
  2. Now, we are ready to use the API/JavaScript functions in the project.
  3. Then, create a PieChart Blazor component in order to display the 3-D pie chart.
  4. Finally, call the PieChart component/page in the side navigation bar of the Blazor WebAssembly project.

Google Chart Tools home page:

Tutorial Source Codes:

#javascript #google #webassembly #blazor

How to Call JavaScript Functions in Blazor WebAssembly Apps #7
2.10 GEEK