You’ve heard the saying before, the only thing that never changes is change itself. For better and/or worse, that phrase is especially true in the landscape of technology. The popular protocol gRPC (Remote Procedure Call, we don’t discuss the g for some reason), has become an attractive choice for software engineers due to its highly performance, language independent and contract based solution to connecting client and server communication.

Whether you’ve worked with gRPC before or you’re coming upon it for the first time, this article will cover the following aspects of gRPC with GoLang:

  • Why gRPC was created
  • An overview of gRPC + protobuf
  • Implementing a client and a server in Go
  • Bonus: Generating documentation for your .proto files

Let’s dive in!

Disclaimer: I am assuming you are familiar with Go and can create a new project, compile, etc. I will be including code examples, but I won’t be going over compiling, using go mod, etc.

#golang #software-development #programming #grpc

An Up-To Date Review of gRPC with GoLang
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