In this article, we show you how to use TensorBoard in an Amazon SageMaker PyTorch training job in this blog. The steps are:

  1. Install TensorBoard at SageMaker training job runtime as here
  2. Configure tensorboard_output_config parameter when initializing PyTorch SageMaker estimator as here
  3. In PyTorch training script, log the data you want to monitor and visualize as here
  4. Startup tensorbard and point the log dir as the s3 location configured in step 2

Reason for This Blog

In one of my recent projects, I need to use TensorBoard to visualize metrics from a Amazon SageMaker PyTorch training jobs. After searching online and checking AWS official documents, SageMaker SDK examples and AWS blogs, I realize that there is no existing step-by-step tutorial for this topic. So, I write this article, and hopefully give you a ready-to-use solution.

How a SageMaker Training Job Exchanges Data between S3 and Training Instance

First, let us have a look the big picture when executing a PyTorch SageMaker training job. SageMaker facilities the process below:

Image for post

SageMaker Training Job

  1. Launch and prepare the requested ML instance(s)
  2. Download the input data from S3
  3. Pull the training image from ECR
  4. Execute the traing file ( in the figure above) as the entry point of training
  5. Push the training model artifact back to S3

Let us zoom in how data exchange between ML instance and S3 by the example below. Here we use SageMaker Python SDK.

#machine-learning #sagemaker #tensorboard #pytorch #deep learning

Using TensorBoard in an Amazon SageMaker PyTorch Training job
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