PyTorch is a Python library that facilitates the creation of deep learning models. PyTorch is very flexible and easy to use for deep learning tasks. The accessibility and friendliness of early adopters in the years that followed its first publication, it became one of the most important in-depth learning tools in a wide range of applications. As the title suggests, In this article, I will take you through Linear Regression with PyTorch. I will simply use the PyTorch package to build a Linear Regression Model using python.

What is a Linear Regression?

Before working on the task of Linear Regression with PyTorch you must know what is a Linear Regression if you are working on it for the very first time. Linear Regression is one of the easiest and one of the most popular Supervised Machine learning algorithms. It is a common statistical tool for modeling the relationship between some “explanatory” variables and some real-valued outcome. It predicts by simply computing a weighted sum of the input features, plus a constant called the bias term.

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How to Build a Linear Regression Model using PyTorch and Python
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