Quick Sort in C++ Tutorial With Example | C++ Quick Sort Program is today’s topic. Like Merge Sort, Quick Sort is also a recursive sorting algorithm that uses Divide and Conquers method. If you don’t know what Divide and Conquer are, then please read our  Merge Sort tutorial first.

British computer scientist Tony Hoare developed the QuickSort algorithm in 1959 and published in 1961. Quicksort is the algorithm that is being used most of the compiler in their sort().

C++ Quick Sort

In Quick Sort first, we need to choose a value, called pivot (preferably the last element of the array). Then, we arrange the smaller values towards the left side of the pivot and higher values towards the right side of the pivot.

These two operations are performed recursively until there is only one element left at both the side of the pivot. In other words, quicksort algorithm is the following.

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C++ Quick Sort Program | Quick Sort in C++ Example
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