What is AWS Personalize?

AWS Personalize is a machine learning service that empowers non-machine-learning engineers to easily generate personalize recommendations for their users. It is a powerful yet developer-friendly tool that does not require any prior knowledge in machine learning. All you need to do is providing the data to Personalize via S3, and Personalize will take care of everything from identifying features to training the models.

My Experience

In one of my previous projects, I had the opportunity to work closely with AWS, as the company that I worked for at the time was a recipient of the AWS Imagine Grant Program. The AWS team recommended that we used Personalize to generate smart recommendations for our users based on their activities on the app. Since then, it has been one of my favorite services on AWS.

Step 1 — Get Started — Preparing Data

Step 2 — Storing data in S3

Step 3 — Creating a dataset group

Step 4 — Create user-item interaction data

Step 5 — Import user-item interaction data

Step 6 — Create Solution

Step 7 — Create Campaign

Step 8 — Get real recommendations

Optional — Generate real recommendations using Node.JS

#javascript #aws #web-development #machine-learning #nodejs

Get personalized recommendations using AWS and NodeJS
5.90 GEEK