In this article, take a look at how to use Quarkus and Java to secure Kafka streams.

Today you will learn how to use Quarkus and Apache Kafka to create a scalable and secure web application. We will use Kafka Streams and a small Kafka cluster to take data from a server to a client application as a real-time stream. We will also be securing the Kafka cluster with SSL and SASL/JAAS password protection. Lastly, you will secure the Quakrus client application using OAuth 2.0 and OIDC with Okta as the OIDC provider.

The architects of both Apache Kafka and Quarkus designed them for use in scalable clusters. Quarkus is a container-first Kubernetes Java framework that you’ll use to create a scalable, Java-based REST service and client application. It’s a high-performing tool for serverless and microservice environments. The container-first design packages the runtime environment along with the compiled code, allowing you to tightly optimize both and avoid the unwelcome surprises that can come along with operating system updates on servers. Developers build Quarkus apps with Java standard technologies, such as JAX-RS for REST interfaces, JPA for data modeling and persistence, and CDI for dependency injection.

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How to Use Quarkus and Java to Secure Kafka Streams
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